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Pi =proportion of the landscape occupied by patch type (class) i. gik =number of adjacencies (joins) between pixels of patch types (classes) i and k based on the double-count method. m =number of patch types (classes) present in the landscape, including the landscape border if present. |
Description | CONTAG equals minus the sum of the proportional abundance of each patch type multiplied by the proportion of adjacencies between cells of that patch type and another patch type, multiplied by the logarithm of the same quantity, summed over each unique adjacency type and each patch type; divided by 2 times the logarithm of the number of patch types; multiplied by 100 (to convert to a percentage). In other words, the observed contagion over the maximum possible contagion for the given number of patch types. Note, CONTAG considers all patch types present on an image, including any present in the landscape border, if present, and considers like adjacencies (i.e., cells of a patch type adjacent to cells of the same type). All background edge segments are ignored, as are landscape boundary segments if a border is not provided, because adjacency information for these edge segments is not available and the intermixing of the classes with background is assumed to be irrelevant. Cell adjacencies are tallied using the double-count method in which pixel order is preserved, at least for all internal adjacencies (i.e., involving cells on the inside of the landscape). If a landscape border is present, adjacencies on the landscape boundary are counted only once as are all adjacencies with background. Note, Pi is based on the total landscape area (A) excluding any internal background present. |
Units | Percent |
Range | 0 < CONTAG ≦ 100 CONTAG approaches 0 when the patch types are maximally disaggregated (i.e., every cell is a different patch type) and interspersed (equal proportions of all pairwise adjacencies). CONTAG = 100 when all patch types are maximally aggregated; i.e., when the landscape consists of single patch. CONTAG is undefined and reported as "N/A" in the "basename".land file if the number of patch types is less than 2, or all classes consist of one cell patches adjacent to only background. |
Comments | Contagion is inversely related to edge density. When edge density is very low, for example, when a single class occupies a very large percentage of the landscape, contagion is high, and vice versa. In addition, note that contagion is affected by both the dispersion and interspersion of patch types. Low levels of patch type dispersion (i.e., high proportion of like adjacencies) and low levels of patch type interspersion (i.e., inequitable distribution of pairwise adjacencies results in high contagion, and vice versa. |